1 goose (2-3 kilograms)
2 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons marjoram
300 grams of buckwheat
150 grams of chicken livers
1 parsley (100 grams)
1 carrot (120 grams)
2 onions (20 grams)
2 eggs
2 tablespoons butter
2 cloves of garlic
3 dried mushrooms (20-30 grams)
2 tablespoons fresh parsley
1 tablespoon of fresh dill
Wash and dry the goose, cut off the neck and wings.
Carcass cut from the back and remove all the bones, so that the meat clung to the skin.
Leave only the femurs.
Peel and crush the garlic.
Rub the meat with garlic, marjoram and salt.
Set aside in a cool place for 1 hour.
Prepare the filling:
Wash and soak the mushrooms.
Clean and rinse the greens.
Put into a pot the bones, wings and neck.
Pour 1 liter of cold water, add vegetables, onions, mushrooms, salt, pepper and cook for about 1 hour.
Strain decoction. buckwheat rinse, drain off on the strainer and cook in the decoction.
Livers wash, drain off and cut into a small pieces.
The remaining onion peel, chop and fry in butter along with livers.
Whip the egg whites. Buckwheat mix with egg yolks, liver, parsley, dill, salt and pepper and combine with egg whites.
Fill goose stuffing and sew up.
Put into the oven preheated to 250 ° C and bake for about 2 hours.
When the goose is browned, reduce the temperature to 180 ° C.
Sprinkle the goose with water
Cut into thick slices the baked goose with stuffing.
Thanks to Karol Wąsowicz for this recipe.