
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Caballas asadas con salsa de cilantro y papas negras (4 personas)


4 big mackerels
A bunch of coriander
A pinch of cumin
A pinch of salt
A little splash of vinegar
Green pepper
1 kg of medium black potatoes
1 dL of oil
4 garlic cloves


Grill the mackerels and let roast for 8 minutes (once they're washed and prepared).
Move them around so they're well cooked on both sides.
After they're well roasted place them on a separate plate.

Coriander sauce:
Wash the coriander and cut in small pieces. Place in a pestle.
Add the garlic cloves cut into pieces.
Add a pinch of salt, cumin and a pinch of green pepper.
Crush everything until it is well mixed.
Then splash the vinegar and oil.

Black Potatoes:
Have the potatoes washed.
Take a small pot and place the potatoes inside (place the biggest potatoes at the bottom).
Pour water until all the potatoes have submerged.
Put a bit of salt and place the pot on medium heat for about 20 minutes. (If you want to know if they're well cooked, prick them with a fork. If it's clean after being taken out it means they're OK).
Remove the pot from fire and drain the water out. Shake the pot and place in the fire once again so the potatoes dry externally and obtain texture. (If wanted saltier, add a little bit of fine salt).

Serve the mackerels and black potatoes and pour the coriander sauce over them.

Thanks to Eduardo Lugo for this recipe.

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