
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mousse de Gofio

-3 eggs
-A pinch of salt
-500 g of cream
-100 g of gofio
-180 g of condensed milk
-30 ml of milk
-For the garnish: chopped almonds and honey

Separate the egg whites and yolks, and put them in two different containers where they will be beaten with a handle mixer. Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and beat until stiff (about to snow), make sure they are as tough as possible. Keep aside. Now mount the cream, as much as possible, but be careful not to over do and make butter. Keep aside. Beat the egg yolks lightly. Keep aside.
In a large bowl, pour the beaten egg yolks and condensed milk, mix. Add gofio and stir well until everything is well integrated. Add milk to the mixture of the egg yolks and gofio and incorporate completely.
Pour the mixture of egg yolks and gofio on the whipped cream, with care make circling motions so the cream does not lower, mix to incorporate.
Now add the egg whites mounted until stiff (to snow), and with circling movements to incorporate completely. 

We already have our ready-to-pour mousse into the chosen vessels. Pour the mousse into a sleeve pastry (with the nozzle that we want) partitioning into cups.
Once partitioned, leave to cool for at least 12 hours, so they pick up body.
Decorate to taste, I in this case dust a little gofio.
Thanks to Pedro Navarro for this recipe.

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