
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Coffee cookie cake


1 can of condensed milk
1 can of cream
1 chocolate tablet
3 packets of cookies
3/4 cups of water

To make the liquid chocolate boil the 3/4 of water at medium heat and add the chocolate tablet. Let it cool. Beat the cream and add the condensed milk.
Prepare the coffee.
First layer: Place a layer of the liquid chocolate we just made at the bottom of the container.
Second layer: A layer of dry cookies.
Third layer: A layer of the cream we previously mixed with the condensed milk.
Fourth layer: Another layer of cookies, this time have the cookies soaked in coffee.
Fifth layer: Chocolate again.
Sixth layer: Dry cookies once more. And so on until you finish.
Have the last layer be of chocolate.

Leave in fridge and is ready to be served!

Thanks to Yesymy Silva for this recipe.

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