
Saturday, February 23, 2013


-1 L of milk
-200 gr of frangollo
-100 gof raisins
-100 gr of chopped almonds
-1 tablespoon of aniseed
-1 cinnamon stick
-1 lemon (peel)
-4 tablespoons off sugar
-palm honey (syrup) for decorating
-1 Pinch of salt

Heat up a bowl with the milk, cinnamon, lemon peel, the pinch of salt and aniseed.
Once it boils, lower the heat to its minimum.
Pour the sugar and frangollo, stirring constantly with a whisk. Continue until it feels and starts looking like pudding.
You should not stop stirring until it starts to come off the sides of the container.
Then remove the lemon peel and cinnamon stick.
Remove the bowl from the heat.
Add the almonds and raisins, mixing well to the mix.
Fill the containers where you are going to serve the dessert.
Decorate with some almonds or raisins and bathe with palm honey once the dessert is cold.
Keep in the fridge or at room temperature.

Thanks to El Recetario de Mari for this traditional recipe

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