
Thursday, February 27, 2014


Scarcella is a typical cake made in Puglia, Italy, traditionally, during Easter.This delicious dessert, especially popular with children, perhaps because it can take many forms: sheep, doves, baskets, little dolls, hearts, etc. depending on what your creativity suggests.


For the dough:
    500 g flour200 g sugar
    100 g butter
    2 eggszest of 1 lemon
    1 teaspoon baking powder

For Decorations:
    chocolate eggs
    colorful edible sprinkles
    whatever you prefer!
On a pastry board, pour in the flour and add the 2 eggs
Add the softened butter, sugar and vanilla
Mix with the help of just a small amount of warm milk just enough to obtain a soft elastic dough.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin
Cut out in the shapes you prefer
Bake the scarcelle for 10 minutes at 180° degrees Celsius.
Take out of the oven and let them cool down.

Prepare the frosting:
Place the sugar in a saucepan and cover with water
Put on high heat and stir until the sugar has melted
Remove from heat and place in a bowl.
Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks and fold it into the sugar syrup, stirring constantly.
Pour the icing on scarcelle and sprinkle with the decoration (such as chocolate shavings, little chocolate eggs or sugar sprinkles.)
Thanks to Nonna Maria Galeone Buzzacchino for this recipe

Orecchiette (Traditional Puglia Pasta)

Ingredients for 4 people:

500g of durum wheat flour
Lukewarm water (as much as needed)


Add water to flour
Mix until having a stiff dough
Once you've got a workable dough, cut it in pieces
Roll them into a tube
Cut the tube into smaller pieces
Place the side of a knife at the top of one of the slices and quickly pull the knife across the slice.
Letting it wrap up over the knife creating an ear shape

Thanks to Nonna Maria Galeone Buzzacchino for this recipe

Saturday, December 7, 2013



2 eggs
1 tbsp of sugar
1 tbsp of olive oil
200 gr of flour
3 tsp of yeast
1/2 tsp of fine salt


In a large bowl, beat the eggs and add a tablespoon of sugar and another of oil.
Aside, mix the 200 grs of sugar with 3 teaspoons of baking powder and the 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
Strain the flour and mix well with the eggs to make a paste.
Heat a pan and pour some of the batter (to taste, the more you pour, the bigger the pancake will be)
When the dough has a few bubbles, flip the pancake and let it cook to taste.

Thanks to Danailys Comas for this recipe

Friday, December 6, 2013

Lebanese Custard


1 L of milk
1/2 cream
2 gr of cornstarch
3 gr of sugar
1 gr of syrup
1/2 of orange blossom water


Boil the cream and milk

Add the cornstarch

Remove from stove

Finally, pour the sugar and the orange blossom water over the custard

Thanks to Kassem Mahomoud Mohsen for this recipe

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rancho Canario


1/2 kg of chickpeas
1/4 lb of beef
1/4 lb of chicken
100 g of thick noodles
1/2 kg of potatoes
1 head of garlic
1 onion
1 tomato
2 springs of parsley
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 cup of oil
1 cup of white wine
Bay leaf


Leave the chickpeas to soak overnight to soften.
The next day, wash and place in a pot with the meat and two liters of water to boil. Let it cook for at least an hour and have
Meanwhile, make a frying mixture with the oil, onion, garlic and tomatoes, adding the paprika.
Once the chickpeas and meat are cooked, add fried sliced potatoes, salt, saffron, thyme, bay leaf and white wine, leaving the fire about ten minutes.
Finally, when the potatoes are almost cooked, the noodles are added and allowed another five minutes.

Thanks to Sergio Alvarez for this recipe.

Coffee cookie cake


1 can of condensed milk
1 can of cream
1 chocolate tablet
3 packets of cookies
3/4 cups of water

To make the liquid chocolate boil the 3/4 of water at medium heat and add the chocolate tablet. Let it cool. Beat the cream and add the condensed milk.
Prepare the coffee.
First layer: Place a layer of the liquid chocolate we just made at the bottom of the container.
Second layer: A layer of dry cookies.
Third layer: A layer of the cream we previously mixed with the condensed milk.
Fourth layer: Another layer of cookies, this time have the cookies soaked in coffee.
Fifth layer: Chocolate again.
Sixth layer: Dry cookies once more. And so on until you finish.
Have the last layer be of chocolate.

Leave in fridge and is ready to be served!

Thanks to Yesymy Silva for this recipe.

Leche Asada

  • 6 Eggs
  • 2 lemon peels
  • Half a cinnamon stick
  • 1 L of milk
  • 4 spoons of sugar

Place in a bowl the eggs, the milk and the sugar.
Mix all these ingredients well.
Add the cinnamon and the lemon crusts mixing all the ingredients.
Pour the mixture in a tray and then place in the oven.
Preheat it to 250º and leave the mixture for about 35 minutes.

Ropa Vieja

500 g of chickpeas
1 kg of Potatoes
500 g of Pork or Beef meat
500 g of chicken meat
1 glass of wine
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1 pepper
3 cloves of garlic
Black Pepper


Leave the beans to soak the night before.
When preparing the chickpeas, place a pot of water on the stove and when it boils, add the chickpeas, meat and some salt.
When the ingredients are tender, drain them in broth, meat and then we start to crumble it.
Prepare a frying mixture with the onion, tomatoes, peppers, add a paste with 2 garlics, 3 black peppers, a bit of Paprika, Saffron and Salt.
Fry everything with little oil, when almost finished add a glass of wine, chopped parsley, thyme, bay leaf, the chickpeas and meat, leaving this to heat about 15 minutes.
Finally fry the potatoes into cubes and add it to the Ropa Vieja before serving.

Thanks to Jorge Garza for this recipe.